You may think you're unhappy because life is challenging right now. However, it's really because you believe life shouldn't be challenging. Or maybe you think the source of your unhappiness is due to the fact that you're broke. But really it's because you believe you shouldn't be in a state of brokeness. Perhaps you think you're unhappy because of what's happening in the world around you. However, it's truly because you believe those things shouldn't be occurring.
You see, whenever you dispute what is, you block the natural flow of solutions from coming into your consciousness. When you accept what is occurring, solutions emerge.
Whatever is happening - is happening. It's happening for a reason, even though you may not know what that reason is. And that thing will continue to invade your 'happy' for as long as you continue resisting it.
By relinquishing the fight against what is, you allow creative resources, ideas and solutions to show up for you in ways far beyond your comprehension.
That's when synchronicities happen!
You just gotta flow WITH the tide, not against it.