Roosevelt once said that the greatest fear, is fear itself. We certainly do try to avoid the things we're afraid of, don't we? Yet running away from our fears actually restricts the natural flow of our energy. Similar to a hose being crimped off, it will eventually throttle our energy until it slows to a weak trickle. When that happens we'll often see issues begin to take shape in our health, finances, relationships, and more.
How often have we heard that if we want to change our life, we have to change the way we think? I personally believe it goes a bit deeper than that. It's not our thoughts, but the way we FEEL in response to those thoughts, that affect the quality of our lives.
Let's face it, we all have fears and quite honestly, becoming fearless is probably an unrealistic goal. A better aim might be to simply live more present in the here-and-now and FEEL everything.
In order to keep our energy flowing smoothly, we must recognize that thoughts often trigger emotions. When that happens we've got to be brave enough to face whatever shows up, not try to push down our feelings in an attempt to avoid them. Just let them surface and move right on through and out.
You see, most fears aren't even real. They're just thoughts we keep thinking - worn-out beliefs, past hurts and misconceptions. In other words, our old stories. When we let these stories go and the emotions entangled within them, we flow. And when we flow, things begin to shift effortlessly back into harmony.
At least that's how I see it.
Wishing you a free-flowing day loves!