What would happen if instead of reaching for something to make us feel better, we simply made the choice to get better at feeling?
Isn't it interesting that we believe our mood altering (food, alcohol, tv, internet, sex, drugs, etc) addictions help us feel better, when the truth is these things make us feel less? They help to numb our senses, including sometimes, our common sense.
The only way to truly feel better is to FEEL.
The good, the bad, the really ugly - the shit we've shoved down and buried because it hurts so friggin' much!
And why the heck would we want to feel all that crap? Because it's like sewage to our souls. It sits there and ferments, creating a sludge that affects, not only the way we feel about ourselves and our world, but our physical and psychological well-being. Carrying this muck around inside us clogs our proficiency to live life to the fullest and be genuinely happy.
Wanna truly feel better?
Then sit and allow those entombed feelings to rise up. Give them permission and space to express. Feel them, cry them, scream them as they move on through and out. Once they are expressed, you're no longer carrying them and so in-turn, you become lighter and lighter - more calm, more peaceful, more conscious, more alive!
This is how we master feeling better in the true sense of the term.
And as you move forward in your life, rather than avoiding anything - sit with what arises and simply feel what you feel, when you feel it.
You're so darn AMAZING!