What If I Told You...

What If I Told You...

June 1, 2017

What if I told you...

THE REASON your relationships are not loving is because you don't have a loving relationship with yourself.
THE REASON you feel afraid is because you haven't faced your fears and realized they're not real.
THE REASON something is challenging is because you view it as such.
THE REASON you feel tired all the time is because you are not living your passion.
THE REASON you never have enough time is because you're not fully present in each moment.
THE REASON life is a struggle is because you view life as a struggle.
THE REASON you never have enough money is because you believe you never have enough money.
THE REASON you feel lonely is because you haven't gotten fully acquainted with yourself.

What you feel matters! It BECOMES something. Because you my dear, are a creator.