Stop Expecting You From Other People

Stop Expecting You From Other People

October 24, 2020

Each one of us is unique with our very own perception of life. We each look out at the world through distinctive eyes - viewpoints honed from personal experience. And yet how often do we expect other people to believe as we believe; to respond the way that we need; to have the same degree of respect, loyalty or integrity as we have; to be as sensitive or compassionate as we are?

Expectation is the ultimate disrupter of peace. It can inflame anxiety, anger and chaos in our lives. And if truth be told, we do it to ourselves. We want people to understand us, agree with us, side with us, validate us, appreciate us and love us with the same intensity we extend. We expect people to see the way that we see; to be the way that we are being. And when they don't live up to that vision we feel rejected, disappointed, hurt and offended.

William Shakespeare once said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” I agree. It's like we have an image in our minds of how other people are suppose to be and it screws us up. It's a self-inflicted sting to which we suffer greatly. Of course, I'm in no way implying we should ever put up with disrespect. What I am saying is we can't expect others to give us what they may not have to give. They're not us! When we let go of expectation, we are free to enjoy people for who they are, instead of focusing on what we think they should be.

This is acceptance.
This is true forbearance.