Each of us has a story - a unique tale all our own.
Sometimes there will be people who won't understand your story. It doesn't matter.
Sometimes people will try to make you feel bad about yourself because of your story. Don't let them.
Sometimes people will attempt to shame you or tell you that your story is wrong. Shake that shit off.
Prepare yourself. Some people will never get it! Don't let that stop you.
Don't let that keep you stuck in the story.
It's just a story.
Our stories - the places we have walked up till now - do have a purpose and it's up to us to unwrap the gifts that lie hidden within them so that we, in our own unique way, can share those gifts with the world.
My story isn't sweet and proper like made-up stories. Mine tastes of foolishness and confusion; sadness and dreams, just like the story of anyone, who no longer wishes to lie to themselves.