The Precipice

The Precipice

August 8, 2021

It is often only on the brink of destruction that we find the will to change; only at the precipice that we evolve. That's a line from a movie, but it sure feels like we are standing at that pinnacle right now, doesn't it?

If it's true that we, as a collective, only evolve when we reach the peak of the summit, than there must be instigators that coax us right to the edge. These agitators probably believe they are self-serving, when in fact, they are the precise cataysts that are helping to propel us beyond complacency and into our greatness. Our decision then becomes: are we going to evolve to a higher state of consciousness or are we going to linger in the suffering? We have free-will, so the choice is up to us.

Discernment is an essential attribute right now - the ability to distinguish fact from fiction. One clue is that truth will always support life. Deception suppresses it. Once we recognize the difference, we free ourselves from potential manipulation.

Remember truth is light and light will always expose whatever dwells in darkness. We simply need to open our eyes, minds and hearts to see clearly.