As I move into yet another phase of my journey, shifting careers among other revisions, I've noticed that with each new chapter I seem to sink a little bit more into myself. Aligning who I am now with my passions at this point in my life. After 22 years as a therapist, I've been wavering for months about letting go of my career and heading in a completely different direction.
It's as if what we do becomes such a intrinsic part of us that we sometimes can't see past the life we've structured for ourselves. We have to watch out that we don't get so dang comfy with what we know well, that we become stagnant and miss opportunities when they come a knockin'. We must be mindful and recognize when we've actually boxed ourselves in!
So now that I have finally committed fully to changing just about every aspect of my world, I'm fired-up and eagerly looking forward to January when I will be traveling down new paths, leading to adventures more aligned with who I am today.
I think it's important to integrate what we do with who we are, and since we are always changing and expanding, it makes complete sense that the work we do will change right along with us. Yes, I admit it can be frightening. But it can also be extremely exciting! Never let a little thing called 'fear of change' stand in the way of living your best life!
Delightful travels to you all.