Commit To Being Legit

Commit To Being Legit

June 1, 2016

Who the heck made up the rulebook on what is appropriate and what is not? So many people are spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to fit themselves within the confines of fictitious boxes marked 'right, proper, moral and good,' while worrying endlessly about what other people think of them.

I say, "Who gives two shits???"

Is it our plan to spend the remainder of our lives living a facade? Never revealing the truth of who we are out of fear of rejection or judgment? Never giving to the world the things that ONLY we can give? Never allowing ourselves the freedom to BE?

Bare in mind, that as long as we keep striving to 'act' appropriately (concerned about our 'character') we are simply 'performing' and as we well know, performances aren't REAL!

The consciouness of the planet is shifting and authenticity (or the lack thereof) is becoming easily recognizable. For those still performing, it will become increasingly more challenging to find fulfillment and peace within the charade. What is most apropos at this time is to peel away the many masks that guise our messiness and to stand tall, fully exposed in the light of our bona fide truth. Yes, it takes tremendous courage to be this vulnerable, yet in so doing we access our full potential, innate power and freedom.

Be legit. Be real. Be YOU.