Path Of Least Resistance

Path Of Least Resistance

February 2, 2016

I get asked a lot about how to manifest goals, and the answer we often hear is to become an exact energetic match to what it is we want, but I'm going to make it even more elementary my dear:

Be YOU! Not who you THINK you are, but rather who you actually are.

You're naturally abundant. Being YOU gets rid of the resistance your limited thinking creates, which is the only thing that has ever blocked your preferred outcome!

When you believe those limiting thoughts that roll through your mind, you're obstructing the natural flow of your power! You hinder your success because you are opposing yourself; being the OPPOSITE of who you actually are (which by-the-way is a manifesting extraordinaire! Just sayin'). This creates resistance and that restriction is thwarting your efforts. By not living your truth, you end up sabotaging your goals, health, wealth and happiness.

Now all this sounds pretty easy, right? Be myself - piece a cake! Yet, sometimes we don't readily see the things we're doing day-in and day-out that keep us out of alignment with who we are, so here are a few questions to ask yourself that may help:

  • Are you trying to portray yourself as someone other than who you are?

  • Are you doing what you really want to be doing, or are you just surviving?

  • Are you trying to please everyone else at the expense of your own happiness?

  • Are you giving to get? Or 'acting' a particular way because you think it will get you something in the end? (Really think about this one! It's a biggy!)

  • Are you internally beating yourself up all the time? What is that voice in your head telling you?

  • Are you living by some 'code of ethics' that someone else made up?

  • Do you follow the crowd, or courageously walk the path of your soul?

  • Do you listen to others and 'believe,' or do you go within, find what is true for you, and 'know?'

  • Do you run around in a state of 'busy,' or do you take time to sit quietly and get to know yourself?

The more we can stand in our innate power by being who we genuinely are and doing the things we love doing, the more magnetic we are to the things we desire, because there is no longer any separation or resistance. Our energy then begins to flow freely, unobstructed.

Remember it's not about BECOMING abundant, you organically are. It's about letting go of the resistance that is blocking that natural flow. You can't be frustrated or worried the majority of the time and expect to create a peaceful existance. You can't be angry and bitter and expect to create joy in your life. You are NOT frustration. You are NOT worry. You are NOT anger. You are NOT bitterness. You can't be something OTHER than what you truly are and expect to create your dreams. You are love - now get aligned with that real you and your desires will simply follow the path of least resistance right into your reality.

Be YOU loves.