Where Are You?

Where Are You?

July 5, 2016

"Traveler, there is no road. You make your own path as you walk." ~Antonio Machado

Where are you?

I'm talking about your mind, your thoughts, your noggin. Where is your focus and is it helping or hindering your objectives?

Wherever you're aiming your attention right now, is helping to create your prospective path. The question is, "Is the direction you're headed really where you wish to go?"

Each moment of our lives is like a new crossroads, where we're choosing (through our energy and focus) which route to take next on our journey. Usually we do this without much consideration, however, the more conscious, purposeful and present we are while making such choices, the more pleased we will be with where we eventually find ourselves.

If for example, our attention is predominately honed in on the past, we could retrace steps that lead us exactly where we've already been. (I don't know about you, but no...just...no!) If we tend to fixate on worries and concerns about the future, we might just end up experiencing the very things we fear most. Both of these examples have absolutely nothing at all to do with life right now. Whenever we're past-or-future focused, we're not consciously present. We're in our heads! There are far better and more productive ways to use our creative imagination!

The 'intensity' of our energy and focus is like 'the foot on the gas pedal' that controls how swiftly we arrive at our desired, or not-so-desired destinations. In other words, being either extremely excited or extremely fearful will increase the speed of our arrival, yet with two completely different outcomes.

We have the freedom and ability to shift our energy and focus, tweak our direction, or even change course completely anytime we want! In fact, we do this umpteen times per day! Yes, our heads are actually 'heading' us in diverse directions with every thought we think. The trick is to align our efforts and forge a path 'on purpose' using the most proficient tools available that will lead us to the places we really wish to go.

Our hearts are our compass.
Our presence is our power.
Our focus is the razor sharp tool clearing our path.

Once we set an intention into motion by remaining fully present in the here-and-now, the more smoothly things will flow in our favor. We've got to be in an authentic state that allows us to feel what we feel because things will start coming up, not only emotionally, but in our daily affairs that will call for our discernment in their release; things that may-very-well-be hindering our progress.

To be successful in creating our desires, we must get super clear and detailed about our WHAT and WHY, let go of the HOW and hold our vision in the forefront while living fully present in the flow of NOW.

And if at first we don't succeed, no worries, for the journey never truly ends. We can forge new paths as many times as we please. Becoming more versed as we go along. I also find that the more playful and light-hearted we are, the more fun and synchronistic our adventures will be!

Happy trails.