Live Your Dreams!

Live Your Dreams!

July 1, 2018

Our dreams, goals and aspirations don't just happen. We have to align ourselves with what it is we're reaching for. This could entail making changes, breaking habits, setting boundaries, learning new skills, taking a few scary risks and most certainly believing in ourselves.

That old saying, "We can't keep doing what we've always done and expect different results," is so spot on. Yet it's not just about doing - it's about what we're focusing on - because what we're predominately focusing on throughout our day is affecting our vibe and that vibe is either moving us in the direction of our goals or it's pushing us further away from them.

Something I hear so often from others is that they don't even know WHAT it is they want. They just know they're not happy.

So that is the first step:

  • What do you want your life to look like?

  • What inspires you?

  • What impact do you wish to have on the world, if any?

  • What brings you joy? (Your work can be joyful - you know that, right?)

  • What are you naturally good at?

  • What do you love spending time doing? (Oftentimes our true calling is hidden in there somewhere.)

Start mapping what you wish to be; what you wish to do; where you wish to do it and with whom.

The next step is taking a real honest look at where you're at:

  • What things are you doing daily that are in complete opposition to what you're wanting?

  • What are your time-wasters?

  • How much effort are you putting into your goals?

  • Do you tell yourself such things like, it's gonna be too hard; I'm not smart enough; it will never work out; it will take too long; I can't; I shouldn't; it's too risky, then just slump back and do nothing?

  • Does fear stop you? (It's not real, ya know, just silly self-sabotaging thoughts.)

  • And speaking of self-sabotage, are there other ways you undermine yourself?

Answering these questions, and any others we come up with, helps us begin to see clearly what exactly it is that stands between us and our aspirations.

Usually it's only ourselves.

Believe in yourself and be free to live your dreams.