"Do not imitate what is popular for acceptance; practice what is authentic for the sake of your soul." ~Burchard
We do such a disservice to ourselves and our world when we're being anything other than who we really are. It may seem at times that we don't even remember who that is anymore. Yet that is the journey. Remembering ourselves. Uncovering our passions, truths and dreams long ago forgotten. Peeling away the layers of bogus beliefs we've composed that keep us striving for acceptance and maintaining feelings of powerlessness.
The other day I was driving along in my car feeling sensational for no apparent reason and I thought - THIS is who I am. This 'feel good feeling' is ME! Sounds kinda silly I know. I mean nothing extraordinary was happening. Yet, have you ever noticed that whenever we're in that zone everything seems to flow smoothly? Struggles fall away and kindness just sorta oozes out of us?
I think paying attention to the way we feel is a superb way to tell if we're centered or not. For instance, if we're feeling frustrated, pressured, stressed out, anxious, yada-yada it shows we're not fully present within ourselves. It suggests that we're allowing something else to dictate our lives - obligations at work, the demands or opinions of others, whatever it may be, simply indicates we're not in our power but rather permitting something else to 'over power' us. And that of course never feels good.
So let's become more present within ourselves and just forget about what everybody else thinks for awhile.
Let's do it for the sake of our very own souls.