When You Are Aware, Everything Becomes The Guru

When You Are Aware, Everything Becomes The Guru

July 11, 2021

I've written may times about how white feathers seem to pop-up in the craziest places at just the right moments in my life. Usually when I am questioning or mulling over something. So yesterday this happened!

I was on my usual daily walk through the park and as I passed a large tree, I startled a bird that immediately flew off. As it did two white feathers fluttered to the ground right next to me. I had to giggled at the way they landed (see image above). I took it as confirmation that although I'm feeling a bit misplaced and alone these days, life is unfolding perfectly and angels abound. Yep, we're never alone!

When I got home it got me to thinking...

Is it all just random happenstance, or does everything mean something?

While some might think it's all a bunch of hoo-haw, the synchronicities and mini miracles that have occurred in my personal life, have convinced me without a doubt that life is communicating with us all the time. The thing is, communication is a two-way street. The question then becomes: Are we paying attention?

These communications, or 'metaphoric messages' as I like to call them, can come by way of:

  • the lyric of a song right when you turn the radio on

  • a word or sentence you hear someone say as they pass by

  • a bee buzzing around you (too much doing, not enough being?)

  • a pain in your body

  • a water leak (overflowing emotions?)

  • stepping on someones foot by accident (why are you stepping on people?)

  • a white feather (angelic messages?)

  • particular numbers that keep showing up

  • a pesky bug (what's bugging you?)

  • car problems (is your battery dead? is it time to retire? is your radiator blowing up? is your alignment off? I could go on and on with examples here!)

  • even bird poo on your windshield! (are you letting someone shit on you?)

  • and an infinite number of other seemingly insignificant events.

It's amazing how much more we notice once we become aware of our innate connection to everything around us. Additionally, I've learned that it's so much more pleasant, and certainly less turbulent, to listen to these whisperings when they occur, rather than ignoring them and suffering the consequences. What I mean is, if we take heed of the tiny messages sent our way, for instance a 'fender bender' level accident, we might just avoid the more intense 'head-on collision' down the road. Yes, a gentle tap ignored can quickly turn into a slap upside our heads if that's what it takes to get our attention!

I view these metaphoric messages as nudges when we need to change course, reassurance when we are feeling low and guidance when we have questions about some particular area of our lives.

Each one of us has a purpose for being here - a mission so to speak - that we have chosen. If we look for the deeper meaning to our experiences, we will notice the guru in everything - encouraging us, helping us stay on point so we can arrive at the finish-line triumphant!

May your day be filled with magical moments that make you giggle and feel loved!