When did living like everyone else equate to living life right? When did we start caring so much about what other people think of us, that we chose to sacrifice our own unique, creative individuality in exchange for fitting in? When did we begin rationalizing our behavior by smugly exclaiming, "Well, everyone else is doing it!"
Following the crowd doesn't mean we are living life right. What it does indicate however, is that we are no longer THINKING for ourselves.
If we are obsessively perfecting our position by trying to look good in the eyes of others (a futile endeavor indeed!), it's quite possible we have never taken the time to look deeply enough within ourselves to uncover what it is we believe in and truly want. We don't know who we are! And if we are following along, doing what is being done because that is what everyone else says is right, we are not living the life we came here to live. We are not creating the change we came here to actualize. We are not being who we came here to be, for I ask you, how do we serve the world, or ourselves for that matter, by being like everyone else; thinking like everyone else; doing what everyone else is doing?
This type of existence does not represent an impassioned and purposeful life, but rather an abandoned one. Laying claim that something is right simply because everyone else is doing it, shows a lack of personal introspection; the very action needed to uncover our own power and truth; the thing that will light the spark within our souls and lead us on a most amazing adventure.
Yet, some of us are petrified at the mere thought of standing out from the crowd. Why? Because it means being vulnerable, exposed and quite possibly perceived as, dare I say, weird! So rather than risk calling attention to ourselves, we prefer to blend in and simply go through the motions of life, regardless of the mediocrity. We may even claim we are happy in the mundane, yet have no idea of what true happiness can be, for we can only know it to the degree in which we have embodied it.
So today, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone of routine, normalcy and false sense of security, and dive deeper into yourself to recover your power and anything else you've left behind. Then courageously go after what you want; do it your way; become it; allow it to fill you with the joy you were always meant to know.