Are Your Beliefs True?

Are Your Beliefs True?

March 2, 2016

Knowing something is very different from believing something. The things we know emanate from deep within us; intuitively and instinctively, whereas our beliefs often originate from things others have told us, showed us, or from past experiences where we came to some particular conclusion. Yet are these beliefs actually true?

We may have been taught that life is a struggle by watching our parents struggle, determining that we are powerless and victims of circumstance. Or we may feel we are worthless because we were not validated as a child. Or we may accept we aren't able to heal ourselves because some doctor told us it's impossible. Or we may consider ourselves stupid because someone told us we were. Or we may presume no one can be trusted because someone violated our trust. Or we may conclude things can't be different because things have always been this way.

We are literally jammed packed full of beliefs! And these beliefs and old stories are helping to formulate our experiences right now. What we believe, influences our life. That's why it is so important to re-examine the things we regard as true.

Are the things we believe actually factual?
How do we know if they're true or not?

What if nothing is true? That only to the degree in which we believe something to be true is the extent to which it is. What if we decided right now that without a doubt, something is not true, then is it? What if we're making it all up? What then?

What if we were absolutely certain that we could do ANYTHING? Could we?

When we let go of old beliefs, we realize we can accomplish just about anything, including things that others believe impossible.