Genuine Art

Genuine Art

August 10, 2017

Each one of us has amazing, unique gifts that when shared with the world, have the potential to inspire others. (Inspire to me means getting that inner spiral churning.) This is true for many of the Arts like music, dance, painting, writing and so many others.

I know that as a writer, when I read other people's work it sometimes sparks fresh, new concepts within me. I think that's a very natural thing that occurs, however, it is so important to note that unless these ideas are true expressions of ourselves - coming directly from the intrinsic stirring of our own souls - they will not pack a punch, nor have much of an effect.

Why? Because they're not genuine, therefore there won't be much power behind what we're forming, since all we're really doing is regurgitating someone else's thoughts, ideas and creations.

The responsibility of an artist (and I feel we are all artists in some form or another) is to create from within. That is where our unique and powerful gifts reside.

Write, dance, sing - YOU!