If I Told You

If I Told You

November 10, 2018

There are some people in our lives that I swear are simply there to provoke us. Ya know, the critical ones, the judgmental ones, the ones that seem to push all our proverbial buttons. Have you ever wondered what they are instigating us towards? Could it be towards wholeness? Sounds crazy, right?

Well, what if they're just mirroring our own inner critic - that endless dialogue we have running in our heads that likes telling us we're not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not wealthy enough, not living right enough...blah, blah, blah?

Yes, sometimes the people in our lives show us the road back to ourselves and sometimes the way they do it isn't all warm and fuzzy. But to be frank, warm and fuzzy doesn't always work. There's nothing more motivating and self-realizing than a slap upside our apathetic egos. And yes alas, I say this from experience. I've been verbally smacked down more than I care to admit! But you see, all that pain, frustration and anger gets us moving again. It frees us from our own bullshit.

It's through these irksome times that those instigators show us how to walk away from the things that are disingenuous to our personal truth. They help us discover our strength, identify our power, set boundaries and delve deeper into the abyss of our soul to find our voice and the self-love that got displaced along the way.

As much as it's hard to fathom, these agitators are merely shoving us into our realness. And once we step out of the darkness and know ourselves - REALLY know who we are - anything anyone has to say about us and the way we live our lives will no longer pack a punch. We simply will no longer give a damn.

"If i told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it"
~poetic justice