A Broader Vision

Content & Design All In One Place!

Loreen wearing hat

Finding a freelancer who does copywriting or graphic design is pretty easy, but you won't find many who do both. Even if you're only needing content or just design, there are huge perks to working with someone who understands the bigger picture.

I'm Loreen Reed, a freelancer who's made many solopreneurial shifts over the years and found my sweet spot in the fusion of written and visual communication.

What's this mean for you?

  • You get strategic copy and design all in one convenient place.
  • You save time.
  • You save money.
  • I help you organize and streamline your ideas by merging visual elements with your story, resulting in a seamless process from start to finish.

Tell your story.

Storytelling is not only great for business, but can be a voice of hope and inspiration for others. We never know when our narrative might just be the catalyst that helps change or even save someone else's life.

  • My Book: The Runaway is a dramatic recount of my scrapes with domestic violence and the bedrock moment that led me back to my power. I talk about pathways to overcoming fear, the effects of suppressing our emotions and ways to begin restoring our lives after experiencing trauma.

  • My Blog: Slide on over to my blog where I share my perspective on a vast array of illuminating topics.

words have power written on tablet with plant, glasses, coffee, pen, clock

Simply put... I'm a versatile writer with design sense.


This site is multifaceted, showcasing my services, portfolio, blog, book and a lil beach thrown in because I love it so!

Browse around. And if you're looking for someone with integrity and passion to write compelling copy for your project and design it too, tap that contact button. Let's create something amazing together and get your vision out there into the world!

laptop on ocean front patio table

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is solution writing that tells your story, builds trust, informs and elicits a feeling and personal connection with your audience. I help guide your readers to respond by integrating into your content the emotional bond that storytelling evokes.

I Need Content
laptop and sketch pad

What Is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is the art of visual communication. The creation of cohesive visual elements that deliver information and generate an effect. I help pull these visuals together to favorably enhance your story, brand solutions and ideas.

I Need Design
girl question marks

How Do I Start?

Not sure exactly what you want or where to begin? Slide on over to my FAQ page and get a lot of those questions answered. Then just shoot me a message outlining the scope and timeline of your project and I'll get back to you right away.

I Have Questions

"I simply couldn't recommend Loreen Reed more highly. She's not only a brilliant designer with great insight and vision, but a truly lovely human being who couldn't do enough to ensure that I'm happy with the finished result. As an author and self-publisher herself, she has truly understood the obsessive commitment, the passion and the scary perfectionism without ever once flinching. Thank you for elevating my first book far beyond anything I could have produced, to achieve that Waterstones-ready-look I could have only dreamed of. I am so grateful to you."

Trish Brennan, author of "How To Change The Game," Manchester, UK


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December 8, 2023

First and foremost, I want to say that our imaginations should (and I rarely ever use this word!) "should" have been inspirited, stimulated and cultivated since the moment we were born. We are creators afterall. Creators that were never shown how, nor encouraged, to use our greatest God-given ability. In fact, when I was young I was told to, "stop being such a dreamer!" I'm willing to bet, after all I've witnessed in this world regarding "agendas," if we could follow this back through the ages to when this "forgetting" first began, we would discover that this manifesting ability of ours was intentionally shut down.

Today, most of us would probably agree that our minds never shut-up. Not surprising since we are inundated with endless streams of information on the daily. Whenever we want to come up with fresh, cutting-edge ideas, it's quite common (if not expected) for us to get together and "brainstorm." The thing is, similar to the memory in a computer, the brain's memory can only give us information that has already been downloaded.

Our brains naturally file away every single experience we have. If we are going through something challenging, our mind will attempt to offer solutions derived from similar past experiences. That's all it can do. That's its job. If we've been through similar challenges in the past then our mind will conclude that what will happen in the future is what has happened in the past. Again, thoughts are conclusions drawn from previous circumstances. But when we get our feelings and energy behind these thoughts, by perhaps feeling like our situation is hopeless because in the past the results were unfavorable, that is when we sabotage the very outcomes we desire. This is why it's beneficial to get out of our heads from time-to-time and drop into our soul perspective. Our imagination lives there.

Put even more simply, the brain is like an analog device that has an output proportional to its input, which means it's not the tool for coming up with brand spankin' new ideas. Our imagination is best suited for that task, while our analytical mind is most proficient at figuring out the details. For example, if we desire change in our lives, we've got to find a way to deflect the mindless chatter so we can reconnect with our imagination. Otherwise years from now, our lives could very well look the way they do right now.

I think Albert Einstein said it best: "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand. Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions."

So what do you want your life to be about? Imagine THAT!